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Contoh Teks Dialog Recommendation Bahasa Inggris

Contoh Teks Dialog Recommendation Bahasa Inggris

Di dalam bahasa inggris kita mengenal dengan istilah give the advice yaitu salah satu jenis ungkapan (expression) yang digunakan untuk menyatakan atau memberikan saran kepada seseorang yang sedang dalam situasi yang kurang menyenangkan atau nyaman. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh yang termasuk didalam give the advice, 

When the breaks had arrived, these two friends, Juan and Farel were chatting in the school cafeteria to plan something.

Juan: Hai Farel, do you have free time this Sunday?

Farel: Well, let me remember. I do not think I have any events this Sunday. What is Juan?

Juan: Yeah actually I want to invite you to go to the beach.

Farel: Sorry Juan. I think that's a bad idea. Some days the weather is very hot, certainly on the beach will also be very hot.

Juan: I agree with you. Do you have suggestions about other places?

Farel: Yes. How about we play the game at my house? I have some new game titles.

Juan: Good idea. What is that game?

Farel: A horror game titled "Home Sweet Home".

Juan: I'm sorry Farel. I do not really like games with horror genre.

Farel: Okay Juan. What game do you think we should play later?

Juan: What about adventure games?

Farel: Good idea. I also have a new adventure-themed game, and I love it.

Juan: All right, Farel, I think we better play an adventure game because we both love it.

Farel: Of course Juan. See you later on Sunday.

Juan: See you Farel.

Farel: See you later.

Tagar :
Teks dialog recommend
Teks dialog recommended
Teks dialog recommendation
Teks dialog suggest
Teks dialog suggestions
Teks dialog advice
Contoh teks recommendations
Contoh teks advise
Contoh teks suggest

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